I am back from my adventure in Sydney, Australia. It felt so good to get another stamp in my passport! I officially feel like a world traveler. Bre and I walked around Sydney making sure that we hit most tourist sites. The highlight of my trip was going to an Australia wildlife center where we saw koalas, kangaroos, and many animals that are native to the area. We also saw the famous Opera House on our way to through the city- what a wonderful piece of architecture. Many kiwis thought it was funny that Bre and I went for a weekend trip to Sydney, but it was totally worth taking the time to do since we are so near to it.
I learned that sleep is a very important component to a good day at school. Traveling to Sydney took a lot of energy out of me, but I was at school Monday ready to be with my students. My students could tell that I was tired by how I looked, but the same amount of learning and expectations were set- I just had to work harder to be alert and energized.
Our Seymour, WI pen pals are writing back and forth with us. Some of the students are really getting excited about talking to someone in the United States. Technology makes certain things so easy, while others more complicated. It is so easy to communicate with people halfway around the world through e-mail, but sometimes technology isn't as realiable as I wish. We have had a few technological difficulties, however, we overcame them and now are officially using our tech time being pen pals.
We have a new addition to our classroom now. A student from a different room in the year 7/8 syndicate is now part of our classroom. This student has had many behavioral problems that are threatening, disruptive to other students' learning, and unacceptable. This student did not like his classroom teacher and went out of his way to make the teacher frustrated so that he would give up and let him do whatever he wanted. My teacher specializes in behavior management and has a good, trusting relationship with this student, so she has volunteered to let him into our room. We are forming an IEP for him and are monitoring his behavior very carefully. We are investing a lot of time and commitment to this student because we want him to succeed. If it does not work with him in the classroom then he will be kicked out of school. I am really interested in learning how to manage this student at risk's behavior and give him confidence so that he chooses to do acceptable behaviors. We had a classroom meeting today before the student came into the classroom so that all of our students are "on board" with helping this student. Some students were hesitant about this student because he can be violent and inhibit others' learning. I really understand why these students are concerned and I will make it a priority that all students feel safe in the classroom. Hopefully, he will latch onto the students in the class that are good role models. This will be a learning experience...
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